Section 4: Dense Cubics

In Section 4 we look at cubic surfaces defined by a dense polynomial

\[\begin{split}\begin{matrix} & c_0 w^3 + c_1w^2z + c_2wz^2 + c_3z^3 + c_4w^2y + c_5wyz + c_6yz^2 \\ & + \, c_7wy^2 + c_8y^2z + c_9y^3 + c_{10}w^2x + c_{11}wxz + c_{12}xz^2 + c_{13}wxy \\ & + \, c_{14}xyz + c_{15}xy^2 + c_{16}wx^2 + c_{17}x^2z + c_{18}x^2y + c_{19}x^3. \end{matrix}\end{split}\]

The magma code to transform such a surface into octanomial form and to study the tree arrangement of its line can be found in the github repository

Computations are explicitly illustrated in Example 4.4 where we start from the following tropical coefficients vector

\[({\rm val}(c_0),\ldots,{\rm val}(c_{19})) \,\,=\,\, (16,7,3,11,9,2,5,3,0,0,5,0,4,3,0,2,6,5,8,15).\]

We fix \(p=5\) and choose the canonical lifts

\[c_0 = 5^{16}, \,c_1 = 5^7\! ,\,c_2 = 5^3\!,\, \ldots, \,c_{19} = 5^{15}.\]

The six nearby points over \(\mathbb{Q}\) of the blow-up points are

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcl} q_1 &=& ( 1 \,\,:\,\, 0\,\,:\,\, 0),\\ q_2 &=& (0\,\,:\,\, 1 \,\,:\,\,0 ),\\ q_3 &=& (0\,\,:\,\, 0\,\,:\,\,1 ),\\ q_4 &=& (1\,\,:\,\, 1\,\,:\,\,1 ),\\ q_5 &=& (2473616049/5 \,\,:\,\, -425393750 \,\,: \,\, 1 ), \\ q_6 &=& (1331718750 \,\,:\,\, -2324221875 \,\,:\, \, 1 ). \end{array}\end{split}\]

We choose the point \(q_7=( -4: 10: -1) \in \mathbb{Q}\) and proceed by finding a cuspidal cubic over \(\mathbb{Q}_p\) passing throught the \(7\) points. Finally we compute the linear forms \(\ell_0, \ell_1, \ell_2\) determining the automorphism of \(\mathbb{P}^2\) which brings the cuspidal cubic in the standard form \(\{X^2Z=Y^3\}\) and allows us to read the moduli paramaters \(d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_6\).

All the details and outputs of this computation can be found in the following magma file.